An Aquila School
Temple Ewell Church of England Primary School is a proud and active member of Aquila, The Diocese of Canterbury Academies Trust.
The name ‘Aquila’ is translated from Latin as ‘eagle’ and reflects the sense of aspiration and hope found in Isaiah 40:31
‘They will soar on wings like eagles…’
Through inclusive and innovative practice, we nurture the Aquila family to provide exceptional learning experiences, enriching the lives of all in our unique communities.
To achieve our vision, we put schools and therefore children, staff and governors at the centre of our work.
Aquila (‘The Trust’) is the Diocese of Canterbury’s Multi-Academy Trust Limited (MAT), and was incorporated as a charitable company limited by guarantee in May 2014 (Company number 09035788).
For full information about the trust please follow the links below
- Performance, Results and Key Information
- Contact Details
- Governance Structures
- Memorandum and Articles of Association
- School Funding Agreement
- Annual Reports and Registered Office
- Trust Board Register of Interests
- The amount paid by the trust for someone’s work who has an off-payroll arrangement, where the payment exceeds £100,000
- Number of employees whose gross annual salary and benefits exceed £100k, in £10k bandings, for the previous year that ended on 31 August
- Gender Pay Gap Reports
- The amount of time off taken by staff who are union officials