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Our Curriculum

At Temple Ewell Church of England Primary School, we provide a nurturing and inclusive learning environment which allows all our children to flourish and thrive. We encourage children to think for themselves and to explore, with imagination and creativity, the world they live in. We are committed to providing a balanced, accessible and inspirational curriculum which fosters a lifelong love of learning. We aim to provide children with the ability and confidence to lead their own learning, develop independence and be prepared for the next stage of their education.

‘Big questions’ are used across our curriculum to encourage children to use the knowledge and skills acquired in different subject areas to make connections and develop their ideas. Children are encouraged to make comparisons, investigate, enquire, and explore.  Children are taught all subjects from the National Curriculum and subjects are all taught discreetly. However, where appropriate, areas of the curriculum are linked together in order to make learning more memorable, meaningful and relevant. Knowledge and skills in each subject area are carefully sequenced and structured so that children are able to build and develop their understanding as they move through the school.

English and Maths are the key elements of children’s education, and we focus greatly on children acquiring the necessary knowledge and skills required for their current and future learning. These core skills are also broadened and extended to other areas of the curriculum, providing opportunities to enrich and develop them.

Phonics is taught using phonics Bug Club Synthetic Phonics in Early Years and KS1 and the Rapid Phonics programme in KS2. Reading skills are developed using Bug Club Phonics as well as also accessing a wide range of texts including the Book Banded Scheme. Children are encouraged to take books home to share with their parents and carers on a daily basis, and KS1 children can also access Bug Club Phonics reading interactively at home. Children develop a love of reading and practise their reading skills regularly each day in all areas of the curriculum through reading aloud, independent reading and focussed and shared reading activities.

Computing skills are developed in and applied to all areas of the curriculum, with PCs and laptops in every classroom to support children’s learning. We aim to utilise the continuingly changing technology available to pupils, not only to enhance learning, but also to prepare children for a constantly changing future.

Physical development, well-being and mental health are key elements which are enhanced by our impressive sports provision. They support the development of the whole child and promote a positive attitude to learning. Children are given opportunities to develop their leadership skills and make positive contributions to their school and wider community.

The Church plays an essential role in the curriculum at Temple Ewell, both through the teaching of Religious Education and through regular acts of worship. We also aim to promote the development of children’s spiritual and moral understanding through a variety of purposeful learning opportunities. Driven by our school Christian values, our curriculum celebrates diversity, encourages acceptance and tolerance, challenges prejudice and develops respect. Our curriculum is designed to give all pupils, including children that are disadvantaged and with SEND, the knowledge, skills and cultural capital they need to succeed in life.

We take every curriculum opportunity to use our wonderful surroundings and to take our learning outside, including Forest School activities in the neighbouring woods and visits to our allotment. We further enrich children’s learning with visits to and visitors from our local and wider community, including theatre, gallery and museum trips, opportunities to listen to live music and a residential visit to Hindleap Warren for our Year 6 pupils. Our curriculum celebrates the history of our school and the local area and we aim for all our children to develop an understanding of their place in the world and an appreciation of their environment, both locally and globally.

We have high expectations of all our children to achieve and reach their full potential, whilst encouraging them to stay safe, be healthy, and to enjoy their time at Temple Ewell Church of England Primary School.