At Temple Ewell we believe that proficiency in reading and writing, and English language skills is fundamental to children’s education. We aim to provide a high quality English curriculum, that fosters excellent knowledge and skills in speaking and listening, reading, and writing. This proficiency in the reading and writing of Standard English, and language development, is the key to unlocking the rest of the academic curriculum so that all children can communicate their ideas and knowledge effectively to others and express themselves fluently, creatively and imaginatively. We recognise the importance of nurturing and inspiring a culture where children take pride in their acquisition and use of English knowledge and skills.
What Reading Looks like at Temple Ewell
English at Temple Ewell is taught both as singular focused areas of learning as well as being integral in all other subject areas across the curriculum. English includes ‘Reading, Writing, Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling’. Writing knowledge and skills are expected to be seen within the children’s writing. A wide variety of tasks in lessons are based on quality texts which further supports a love of books and inspires the children to develop their knowledge of vocabulary and skills as authors.
Every child has opportunities to read to and with an adult whether 1:1 or as part of small groups or in whole class shared reading activities, with the most vulnerable heard at least 3-4 times a week. Throughout the day all children in KS1 and KS2 have a wide variety of opportunities to read in class, giving teachers and TAs the opportunity to listen to children read 1:1. Children also have opportunities to read throughout all areas of the curriculum during ‘Focused Reading’ lessons, free independent reading, reading through research, reading to others and during whole school worship assemblies. These opportunities foster a deeper understanding of what they read as well as helping develop their skills at reading aloud.
In EYFS and KS1 children are taught in small groups by class teachers and TAs. Reading is taught through Bug club synthetic daily phonics sessions with time to review and repeat newly acquired learning and knowledge. KS2 Children who need support in phonics use Rapid Phonics which also provides access to reading phonetically decodable books pitched at the children’s abilities. All children in Temple Ewell also have access to reading book banded books to develop comprehension knowledge and skills, providing a wider scope of creativity and vocabulary to inspire children as both readers and writers. The children also have the opportunity to transfer their reading knowledge to write at length across all areas of the curriculum, building up writing skills, editing and improving their writing in fiction, non fiction and poetry.
The Reluctant Dragon
I love reading because I can really get into a series. I like ‘The Warrior Cats’ because I enjoy imagining I am living in that world and it’s wild and exciting and it gets your heart pumping! (Molly, Year 5)
I enjoy reading because it creates an imaginary world in my head that I can explore. (Finley, Year 4)
I like reading because books are surprising and exciting. (Elizabeth, Year 2)
I enjoy reading because when you pick a book up and it looks good then you read it and it is phenomenal! (Athena, Year 2)
I like reading facts and my favourite book is The Children’s Encyclopedia. (Flynn, Year 3)