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Science changes our lives every day and is vital for the world’s future prosperity and survival. At Temple Ewell we want to encourage scientific thinking through teaching and learning.  Our children will be inspired, in a safe environment, to be inquisitive as to develop a sense of excitement and curiosity about our universe and promote a respect for the living and non-living. Through the curriculum, the children will acquire and develop scientific knowledge and concepts. We ensure that our programme of study has a skill-based focus so scientific inquiry skills are built-on and developed throughout a child’s time at our school. Children will leave our school with scientific thinking and inquiry skills that will allow them to apply them to many other subjects and allow them to be successful with all their future learning.

“In science we get to try new things that we haven’t tried before and they’re often messy!” (Ella, Year 4)

“Doing experiments is fun, especially testing out how cars move on different mats.” (Aaron, Year 3)

“I liked extracting DNA when we were learning about life cycles.” (Maggie, Year 4)

“My favourite experiment was when we made poo to learn about the digestive system.” (Niamh, Year 4)

For further information about the Intent, Implementation and Impact of our Science curriculum, please see the Science Policy below