Our Christian Vision and Values
In our school family, everyone is given the opportunity to flourish in God’s love; to grow with dignity, hope and kindness.
We accept, value and celebrate our achievements.
We are inspired to be the very best that God trusts us to be and to treasure all that He created.
Faith in God, ourselves and each other
Good Samaritan (Luke 10 v 25-37)
When I needed a neighbour, were you there, were you there?
‘I was inspired by the story of The Good Samaritan and wanted to help someone in my community.
I gave my Christmas money and a teddy bear to a homeless man in Dover.’ (Mabel Year 2)
Click here to watch a version of the story of the Good Samaritan.
Our Christian Values are:
Lord, all the world belongs to You, and You are always making all things new.
Cross over the road my friend, ask the Lord His strength to lend.
Let faith be my shield and let joy be my steed.
He has the whole world in His hands.
Hope, perfect hope, is the gift of Christ our Lord.
Each of these values is rooted in a Biblical example and our children learn to draw on these examples as they grow morally and spiritually in their time at our school.
Forgiveness: The Prodigal Son. Luke 15: 11-32
Acceptance: The woman at the Well. John 4: 3-42
Inspiration: David and Golliath. 1 Samuel 17
Trust: Jesus Calms the Storm. Matthew 8: 23-26
Hope: Noah’s Ark: Genesis 5:32 – 10:1
We demonstrate our Christian values in many ways at school.
“If we have fallen out with a friend, we say sorry and forgive each other” (Ava, Year 4)
” We are accepting. We welcome everyone to our school, even if they have a different religion to us.” (Delphi, year 5)
“We look up to the older children in our school. They inspire me to work hard so that I can do well too.” (Chloe, Year 3)
” We trust our friends to look after us. Our new Reception children trust the older children in the school as they help them to settle in and get used to everything.” (Declan, Year 3)
” At harvest time, we hope that everyone has enough to eat. During the Remembrance Service in November, we hope for peace around the world.” (Spiritual Team)
“I will put my rainbow in the clouds to be a sign of my promise to the earth.”
(Genesis 9:13)