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Our Spiritual Garden

A few years ago, our Spiritual Team began designing our Spiritual Garden.

They considered ways to promote reflection and prayer for our whole school community and how to make our garden a special and thoughtful place.


The Spiritual Team enrolled the help of our nurture group who used donations of slate and gravel from local businesses to create a pathway around the garden. This has different textures and meanders around the space, symbolising the journey we all take through life.

The nurture group also explored our local woods to find pieces of wood to create a cross for our garden.

Our local gardener, Mr Barlow worked with the gardening club to plant flowers which attract wildlife and enhance the area.

To encourage prayer, an old chimney was placed next to the cross with the Bible reading:

1 Peter 5:7 “Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.”

Members of the community can select a pebble to place in the chimney as they pray.

The tree of hope allows the community to share prayer by adding ribbons.

The Spiritual Garden is an ever evolving space with the whole community working together to continuingly develop it.

All members of our school community can visit the garden at any time. Members of our Spiritual Team act as guides at lunchtimes, supporting children with their reflection and prayer.


“I like using the pebbles to pray.” (Jazmine Y2)

“I enjoy sitting quietly on the blanket and reading our special books.” (Lexie Y3)

“It is peaceful.” (Delphi, Y5)

“Our garden makes me feel calm.” (Dempsey Y4)

We tied ribbons to the trees in blue and yellow to reflect and pray for the people affected by the crisis in Ukraine.