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Our Spiritual Team

Our Spiritual Team acts as our school’s spiritual agents helping to guide and develop the spiritual well-being of our community.  They work to ensure that our school is a place where children and adults are open and curious about the world they live in, and are able to appreciate and experience the sacred quality of life experiences.

The Spiritual Team aims to look at ways to help children and adults to learn how to think about life and its many mysteries, to wonder about the world they live in and to develop deep and personal meanings about their experiences of life with the aim to help everyone in our school family to flourish. 

As part of this work our Spiritual Team meets regularly to discuss and review our school vision, values, curriculum and the ethos of our Church School. They consider how all aspects of school life contribute to all within our school community flourishing.  They look at ways to enable all within our family to have a voice and how to ensure all feel valued and respected.

They also consider RE and Collective Worship.  As part of this work they plan and lead Collective Worship and organise School Church Services throughout the year.  They also support children throughout our school community to lead collective worship and reflection.